Prevention: As the proverb goes "Prevention is better than cure" is the best suited for this time. As the proper medicine has not been found yet and the widespread is not stopping, it is more difficult to find out who is affected by it or not since it is invisible for the named eyes to see and as it's symptoms doesn't occurs so soon taking to appear from 14 to 28 days and even more. This is best to be not affected by it. And the best ways to prevent are
1. Stay home
2. Don't Unnecessarily go out for lame reasons
3. If it's necessary to go, then wear mask and must cover both your nose and mouth with it.
4.Follow Social distancing and encourage others to follow too by maintaining a distance of minimum 1 meter.
5. Don't touch your face, eyes, nose and mouth at all with dirty hands.
6. Wash hands with any soap available atleast for 20 seconds and as much times possible.
7. Don't go out to meet your friends or relatives and don't allow anyone to your house also atleast until this Corona ends.
8. Wash vegetables and fruits and other eatables thoroughly with water mixed with turmeric powder (a small spoon is enough).
9. Use hand sanitizer if available frequently and if not don't worry and just thoroughly wash hands and soap.
10. When you come home after going outside, make sure you go straightly to the bathroom and take bath thoroughly and don't let anyone touch you and don't touch anything in the house until you take bath.
11. If you have small newborns and old aged people in the house then you have to be very cautious because they are very vulnerable and you must not put them at any risks by touching them with unhygienic hands.
12. Eat healthy and stay fit and clean the house regularly.

It is our duty to take preventive measures and we can't be too careful always so it is better to avoid any possible chance of physical contact with others.

Coming to our Questions

A. Could it be actually stopped?
Yes, even though it's a big threat now it will also end one day and that day is not so far so don't lose hope as many countries are near to find the cure for it and soon it will be available to us as a life saver.

B. Is the governments of world taking serious actions over it?
Yes, government of each countries affected with this Covid - 19 is taking serious measures day and night to help the affected and save every life possible. It somehow looks like the government is not taking any measures but we should know that the appearance can be deceiving and we should trust our government till the end.

C. Can we, the people of the world could contribute our part to stop this disaster?

Yes, we can contribute our part by following guidelines created for us to follow for our own personal safety by the government. It's our duty to stop those people who are not following them creating danger for them and others also.

D. Is there a way to be unaffected with this disease?
Yes, the best way to be unaffected by it is STAY HOME. This will not be enough to trend this #tag in social medias but what more important is to follow it and avoid any unnecessary person contact possible.

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