When, where, why and all other questionnaires and answers you should know about it.
Corona Virus Disease or Covid - 19 or even also known as Chinese virus has widespread over the world and by raising its rank and gaining power over the people day by day  it has attained a status of Pandemic from epidemic but still hasn't stopped. Could it be actually stopped? Is the governments of world taking serious actions over it?  Can we, the people of the world could contribute our part to stop this disaster? Is there a way to be unaffected with this disease? If these are all your Questions, then you should know that the answer is "YES". But before we discuss how, we should know how it all started.

As they say everything has a starting point, our Corona virus's starting point is Wuhan, a city of China. It is claimed that the virus outbreak from the highly secured medical research laboratory and got spread in the city of Wuhan. The exact date of the Corona spread is still unknown or unclear but the China informed the World Health Organisation (WHO) about the virus spread on 31 December, 2019 and WHO declared that the Corona virus disease or Covid - 19 (because it started in the year 2019) is the reason and cause for the respiratory system problems and deaths due to it. Then it spreaded in China's other parts and to other countries and now it is present in almost all countries and killing mercilessly a lot of innocents.
Symptoms: The symptoms of this are increasing day by day as the disease is spreading. But Common known symptoms are
1. Fever
2. Cough and Sore throat
3. Breathing Difficulty
4. Headaches
Cure: The sad reality is that it doesn't have any exact medicine to treat it but some medicines like
1. Hydroxychloroquine
2. Fabiflu
3. Cipremi
4. Methylprednisolone
5. Covifor, etc.,
And many other other medicines which are found to be useful for the treatment are being used.

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