After the demise of the Bollywood actor Sushant Singh, there's been a whole bunch of mysteries arising. In addition to that now, the Sushant's father has filed a F.I.R. against the Rhea Chakraborty for fraudulent of Sushant Singh's Money from his bank account with no trace yet which was a sum of 15 crore Indian rupees. The money from Sushant's bank account has vanished and Sushant's father blames Ria for this and he also says that she is the only reason which made Sushant go into depression and she is the one who took him to the hospital and introduced the doctors. It seems that Ria is not alone in her play, her family, the doctors at the hospital for Sushant's treatment and even the loyal servants were also was part of this and Rhea was the head of this plan, says Sushant's father. The Sushant Singh's father said that Sushant was absolutely fine until before he met Ria and she is behind his demise and the fraudulent of Sushant's money from his bank account.

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